Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Honesty Box

I decided to see what the hype was and installed the Honesty box app on facebook and I do respect all comments given and can understand where they are coming from on their feelings toward me. But one comment truly bothered me and it basically said that I was lost and need to be less indecisive and scattered. Now I respect the statement but anyone that really knows me understands why I am this way. I pretty much had someone in my life telling me what to eat, what to think, when to sleep, how to dress and even what religion I should believe in. This all changed for the best about 4 years ago. So I have been trying different things and basically trying to find my purpose, as do all people young and old. Somethings I stick with and some I don't, but I believe I have the right to change my mind whenever I feel especially when it concerns me. This new found freedom is new for me and I will take advantage of ALL my talents. Does this make me lost no...If I were lost I would simply have no sense of self and no drive to accomplish anything in life. I could have simply fallen from grace and accepted that all the negative in my life was my fault and never strive to be better.

I am a works in progress and If you truly know me you would understand the great leaps and bounds I have taken to get here and how much more I have to grow.

There are several things that when I have made a decision I stick with but in regards to what I want to do with my career for the next 30 years I will try any and everything until I feel the fit is right.

Relationships is another aspect that I know what I want and I am willing to compromise as long as the person actively communicates with me. I don't like playing the guessing game nor should I have to. This is the same for a friendship or something more than that. I am an open book and for the first time I'm seeing that its ok not to know exactly what you want, but when I find it I will discover it's been exactly what I needed. I don't and will never shy away from my feelings whether they are good or bad. I honestly feel people that run from emotions end up cheating themselves in the long run.

I would rather try and fail than not try at all.


Naturally Sankofa August 25, 2009 at 10:07 PM  

Thanks for taking the time to read it.

Carter August 26, 2009 at 4:17 PM  

I like reading you blogs they are interesting and informative.I also think that the person that said you are lost and scattered described you wrong. I have known you a little while and I know that you can be all over the places but you know what you want and you go out and try to get it.You have been through a lot and it has made you the person you are today, so look pass that, keep your head up and move forward.

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